Sunday, November 22, 2009

how to save money on shopping?

When I was a student, i never knew that it is very hard to earn money. There are always has my father who is supporting the family. However, there was always a change in the life (impermanence).

My father had to stop working because of the company bankrupt. Whole family suddenly lost financial support. I was in my 3rd year of university student. Two of my brothers still study, one of the brother at oversea further study. It was so sudden until we have to save money in all the way. I still don't know how our family can survive. However, we still live on this situation until now with my parents little earning. Now, i am working and i also contribute some to support my family. This is the wonder of being a family. Help each other when in need, share with each other whether is sad or happy.

The most important thing in save money is - we must plan and have budget before we go shopping. Now we will have a list to buy goods. Then we will calculate how much money we can spend to buy goods. Then only we go out to buy. We also learn to remember the price of the goods to compare. Next time we will go to the most reasonable shop to buy the things we want. We discipline ourselves not to go to the department when we don't have anything to buy, restrict ourselves to buy unnecessary things to keep in the storeroom. Think twice before we buy the things, first we must think " do I really need this thing?" " am I going to use it everyday?" Then we will find most of the things we bought only use it once in a blue moon.
So, the rules of the thumb as following:
  1. list down the goods we want to buy
  2. have a budget the goods that we need to buy
  3. compare the price at different shopping malls
  4. don't ever go to the department that is not in the list
  5. everytime before we buy anything, ask ourselves," Do i really need this thing?" and " Am i going to use it frequently?" . If all the answer is " no", better think twice before buy.

Enjoy buying for all my friends and don't end up buying unnecessary things to put in the storeroom.

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